Wednesday, March 3, 2010

On World Maths Day - 3rd March

Why Study Mathematics??

Mathematics in some form or other has been used since the early age of human civilization. But its use in today’s world has assumed great importance, since without its application higher technology cannot be mastered and harnessed for increasing production of goods and services and promoting human welfare. Technology generally follows the advancement of science which is also vitally dependent on the use of Mathematics. Over the centuries there has been spectacular progress in the development of Mathematics as a branch of knowledge. And without the application of Mathematics on a wide scale no country can march forward in line with the general progress of human knowledge and thought. Therefore learning of Mathematics and furthering the horizon of knowledge by advanced researches in Mathematics can hardly be over emphasized.
In the early 19th century, the noted German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss called Mathematics "Queen of all the sciences" because it was so successful at uncovering the nature of physical reality. The role of applied mathematics lies in all disciplines. There is no field which is untouched by the application of Mathematics; no research can be done without the use of Mathematics. Mathematical treatment has now become essential to prove the existence of all sciences. There is a wide range of its applied areas. The scope of applied mathematics has become much wider and its thinking has become much more rampant.
Mathematics has tremendous application in physical, biological, social and management sciences and in industry, engineering and technology. It has even important applications in art, painting sculpture, music, literature and linguistics. Yet it is a sad fact that today a large number of students get their degrees in Mathematics without being aware, in any depth, of the richness and variety of these applications. The applications of Mathematics are not as visible as those of other sciences and there is no wonder that a large number of even educated persons fail to realize fully the importance relevance of Mathematics.

More precisely study of Mathematics is helpful in:

• Logical reasoning and deductions.
• Understanding of relationships.
• Finding implications.
• Solving problematic situations.
• Application of its principles.
• Interpretation of data.
• Critical analysis and reactions.
• Evaluations and discriminations.

People sometimes think of Mathematics as a specialized subject only to be studied by those who intend to go into one of the traditional mathematical careers, such as teaching, banking and finance or accountancy. The simple fact is, Mathematics is a core subject, its study is essential.
Look closer at the job ads and at the kinds of skills employers are looking for: problem solving skills, conceptual and analytical ability, data handling and communication skills. These are transferable skills that are useful in any job, and you can get all of them from studying mathematics.
Mathematical skills are useful in any job, and employers will recognize that you have them if you have studied maths.
Apart from these general transferable skills, maths also equips you with a set of tools that are vital in many jobs.

Go down deep enough into anything and you will find mathematics.

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